Gluten Free M&S Bread

Hello my lovely,

OK, I’m going to be really honest here, most Gluten Free bread is absolutely awful.

It sort of depends on what type of bread you like, if like me, you love buying beautiful artisan loaves… Well you’re going to be disappointed.

Gluten Free M&S Bread

The Gluten Free world is full of absolutely terrible bread.

Once you get over this, then some of the offerings are OK.

I’ll let you know who makes the best supermarket bread and I will have to review this every few months as companies change their bread recipes.

Yes, they all believe that we want the softest, lightest bread in the world with no taste, no texture, no salt and no substance.

However out of all of them, the M&S selection is the best. Their sourdough at least has taste to it and isn’t bad when cut, either in a sandwich form, or toasted.

Their white rolls are pretty good too, the rest of my family don’t know the difference when I stick a burger, make bacon butties or sausage sarnies.

Recently M&S have brought out another couple of items that I like too.

These are the fruited tea cakes and also the croissants.

The tea cakes are delicious toasted, they taste good, are spiced and have lovely fruit in so are currently a hit. I have to say, these are very good and you wouldn’t know they were Gluten Free.

Also the croissants are OK after baking too… I do tend to bake them a little longer than on the packet, to try to get some of the gummy texture out of the middle.

Please understand, the croissants are nothing like the real thing, but they’re the best commercial ones that I’ve found out there.

And for the record, their chocolate pastries are really not very nice.


As far as Gluten Free bread goes, M&S are by far the best.

I know there are lots of other brands in other supermarkets, however I have to say… I’ve had enough powdery glue to last me a lifetime. Some are nicer than others, but I just don’t care for any of them.

There are a few Gluten Free Bakeries around the UK and I’ll try their items again and write another article on what I feel are the best out there.

Going Gluten Free made me realise, I don’t need toast, sandwiches and bread as much as I thought. In my whole Gluten Free journey, M&S has been the closest copy of “real” bread that is on the high street. However not everything in their range is good.

If you want to try something, I’d suggest the sourdough or even the newer tiger rolls that are OK too. A little dense, but they taste OK.

And what did I have for lunch today, you may ask…

A ham and coleslaw sandwich on M&S Sourdough bread.

Let me know what you’d like help and and I’ll do my best to help!

Till next time

Angela xxx

One Thought on “Where to buy Gluten Free Bread”

  • Agree with you on the M&S range being the best of a bad bunch . I like the iced spiced buns a little too much tbh . I have recently discovered that the Warburton thins are almost edible . also the genius tiger bloomer isn’t tooooo bad .

    I would like to know if you have discovered any ready meals / convenience foods that are palatable . Yes I know its far better to eat fresh and cook from scratch but sometimes I want a pot noodle ! lol! Or a oven ready lasagna that isn’t also vegan !

    Enjoying your posts thank you !

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